How are you (really) feeling today?

Sometimes when I say 'I am fine', I want someone to look me in the eyes and say 'tell me the truth'.

If you turn up at one of my yoga classes then I will genuinely want to know how you are feeling. 'Alright, good and fine thank you' will do, but 'I am feeling tired', 'I am feeling on the verge of tears', 'I am not myself at the moment' would be a much better starting place. 

Yoga means unity. With this in mind and given all the ups and downs we experience through our lives (possibly right now more than ever before), a yoga class is a place where we can come together and be totally present - without judgement, without expectation, without the need to be something, safe in the knowledge that it’s fine to feel and express exactly what we need to. 

Try to take the time to listen to what your heart is really telling you 💛


A Sea Breeze…


Self-care Sundays…