Listen for your breath…

🌿How thankful I am for this little sanctuary, especially on a sunny September morning.

🌿A place where I can stop and listen. Beyond the sounds of the children playing, the birds singing, the bamboo trees swaying, is the sound of my breath. And when life gets a little too busy it is the sound that I don’t always tune into as much as I need to. But sitting outside, taking a few deep breaths and noticing how I feel can literally transform my day. 

🌿How often do you pay attention to YOU? My guess is probably not enough. Try to find a moment each day to notice your breath. Is it deep? Is it shallow? Does it feel sluggish or full of energy? 

🌿Your breath can tell you more about your state of mind and body than you may think! Every system in the body relies on oxygen. From cognition, digestion, to getting a great nights sleep. In yoga, the breath always comes first. Breathing consciously is the essence of yoga and is what connects us with the subtleties of the emotional body but also how we move and hold ourselves physically. 

🌿Finding a little time each day to notice the breath is a wonderful habit to support a healthy and happy life.




Rest is productive…