Find your inner Warrior…

✨Find your inner Warrior✨
Virabhadrasana poses are named after the mythical Warrior Virabhadra said to be a fearsome embodiment of the God Shiva. 

Warrior 3 is indeed a fierce and challenging pose, brilliant for creating strength through the entire body while focusing the mind and supporting balance and stability. It is a fantastic mental and physical workout! There are many ways to flow in and out of Warrior 3 but here are a few tips how to practice this awesome pose. 

💚Start in high lunge (right foot forward - left foot behind with the leg raised from the ground) and bring your hands to your heart space in Anjali Mudra. Breathe deeply, connect to the present moment and come into this pose without judgement. Keep your front knee in line with front ankle and gently pull back through the right hip 

💚Draw energy up from your pelvic floor, turning on the lower abdominal muscles. Hug your front body to meet your back body - the naval pulls inwards and upwards. This is called Mula Bandha and Uddiyana Bandha.

💚Inhale deeply through the nose and as you exhale begin fold forward, hinging from the hips but keeping your toes of the back foot in contact with the ground. 

💚Focus on point on the floor just ahead of the mat - this is called your Drishti

💚Inhale and really ground down through the right foot, gently shifting the weight into this standing leg. As you exhale start to straighten the front leg, lifting the back foot from the ground and move your body and left leg parallel to the floor. 

💚Engage the muscles of the right thigh to keep the leg active - careful not to lock your knee.

💚Flex the foot of your left leg that is lifted behind you. 


💚When you’re ready to come out of the pose, gently bend the standing leg and lower the back leg returning to high lunge.

💚Repeat this on the other side. Notice the sensations in your body and how it feels practicing on each side of the body. If you fall nobody cares 🧡


How can we fully embrace the ebb and flow of life?


Keep your head up…