Restorative Yoga and Meditation

These classes are designed to help you breathe fresh life into your routine, offering you the chance to rest with awareness and explore a conscious connection with your breath and body. Join us for a deep dive into the art of rest and relaxation on the following Friday lunch times (12 - 1:15pm) 13th December, 10th January, 17th January, 7th February and 14th February.

”Meditation - a practice to bring the body and mind into the same place at the same time.”

Meditation, breathwork and gentle movement is scientifically proven to help your mind focus and to redirect your thoughts. By showing up regularly in this way, you can help to manage stress, fatigue, brain fog, attention span as well as the quality of your sleep.

When we let the breath come first, in its purest and most simple form, we can invite emotional release and a feeling of ease into the body.

These classes will unlock the power of your breath, guiding you through a range of techniques that will lead you towards contentment and wellbeing.

Our winter pop up series (candlelit gentle yoga and meditation) will run from 12:00 - 1:15pm on the following dates: 13th Dec, 10th Jan, 17th Jan, 7th Feb and 14th Feb. It will be a delicious deep dive into rest and relaxation, to tune into your mind and body, while taking your cue from nature to slow down and conserve your energy.

Please click below to book your spot. I can’t wait to welcome you and guide you on this journey.

Life starts to take on a whole new meaning when you make space to disconnect and reconnect in the very same moment.